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House Rules

General House Rules

To ensure a smooth stay, we ask you to respect the following rules.

1. The basic rules:

Respect the cottage as if it were your own home.

Respect the instructions and remarks of the owner or the manager regarding the use of the equipment, furniture....

• Follow the general rules of etiquette in dealing with the neighborhood.

• Follow municipal regulations, especially regarding waste management, night rest,... Ex: Separate your trash. If necessary, place the garbage containers at the street, on the day of garbage collection. Avoid noise outside, at nighttime.

2. In case of an accident or problem:

Contact the owner or the manager as soon as possible to record the finding and discuss together the steps to be taken.

• The owner or Casapilot cannot be held responsible in case of misuse of the cottage or equipment provided.

3. Bedlinen:

• If the bed linen is not included in the rent of the house, you are encouraged to bring your own sheets, pillowcases, comforter coversheet, etc. For obvious reasons of hygiene, it is forbidden to sleep in the unmade beds of your vacation home. --> In the contrary case, you will be charged for the cleaning or replacement of the bedding.

4. Save energy:

• Be proactive in using the heating system. Use the thermostat to control the temperature. Avoid opening windows when the heat is on.

Turn off the lights when leaving the room.

• Be sure to control your water consumption.

In short, all these small everyday gestures that you know and that remain valid during your vacation.

5. Pets:

• Not all vacation homes from the Casapilot range allow pets. Only take your pet with you, in a house where it is welcome.

• In any case, follow the safety guidelines, hygiene rules and access policies established by the owner or the manager who represents him.

• Do not exceed the number of animals allowed. In case of excess, your stay may be ended without notice or compensation.

6. On departure:

You are obliged to hand over the accommodation in a tidy and clean condition. Even if cleaning is included in the price or paid extra, do not forget:

• hand over the house broom-clean,

• wash the dishes and put them away,

• clean the electrical appliances (including barbecue/grill),

• to return the moved furniture to the place where it was when you arrived,

• to leave the toilets in a clean condition,

• to leave the waste separately and in the place indicated,

• to strip the beds and fold the sheets.

If the owner or the manager incurs additional costs to restore the house, these costs will be charged to you or deducted from the deposit.

Please note that the booked accommodation may have different house rules, which must also be respected.

We wish you a pleasant stay!